Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday Morning

How much will change in 3 weeks when working life as I've known it for 24 yrs - ok 42 yrs - ends. For at least 3 months I will not be working. I'll be traveling to see family & friends; to do dog agility & dog training; to reconnect with myself. That much I have promised myself. Take the time to relax, renew & then to commit. Of course there are a few kinks in things. Friday I retire, Saturday is Dyke March & then Sunday morning we leave for a 2 week road trip through the desert to the mountaing with 2 border collies & a 13 yo toy poodle. We have reservations at lovely places; plans to hike in Zion while the dogs get to be at a "dude" ranch. Time with my partner's mother in gorgeous Colorado mountains. Time - how fast it goes & how much I look forward to not being in such a hurry. Oh - and the other kink - well now that California has legalized gay marriage, we're planning a wedding! Something I never thought I'd write about myself but there it is. Wedding in September (just in case the fickle voters of CA manage to reverse this ruling...ack ack)...It'll be lovely.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Almost Retired

In just 25 more days, I will be officially retired. I'm already overwhelmed with possibilities & plans for the first weeks/months afterwards. Travel, dog training, volunteering, working out, getting married (thank you California Supreme Court). Of course, there's the anxiety that accompanies any major life change - will there be sufficient funds?(I'm assured there will be thanks to a good retirement plan & keen financial advisers); will I become bored & depressed by all my free time?(ha ha ha ha- not likely to be much of the free time for quite a while) Will I have enough social ties & activities (very likely)? I'm so looking forward to being able to spend time with my dogs & working on training them - especially the young guy who definitely has some issues. I look forward to finding new skills, new friends & new communication methods including having a blog that will help in getting this new phase of life going!